I remember what Ise-Hakusan Dou written in his articles in Japanese.___A dragon shape island Japan as Sun center Yamato and as the spirit body had given birth other islands of Asia at a super ancient.___That is my expression after presided some of his words and articles for past few years.____I will introduce to you later at here Shinba Cafe for some of his old articles but a core of today`s bone structure of his blog as my imagination to his history as blogger but as his soul which came to Earth to open up our eyes to look what best way of us can be the normal mankind.
More as follow his expression, I like to say : Japan, the spirit body, had broken up and opened up own body, had given birth islands of Asia,children, then transformed the body shape into the Japan island now we see on a map. For that reason, Japan always tried take care islands of Asia even in a second war which so many soldiers and so many detachment of comfort woman from Japan for soldiers were killed in a some islands and were forced to do Harakiri. I heard that soldiers gave mercy and helped comfort woman to die by soldier`s hand, means they helped each other to live and to die. Why Japan sent so many of comfort woman? My answer is so simple. Japanese soldiers do not need to attack and rape a local woman in a island.
I believe that, that is Japan`s main spirit to hold a heart of consideration and sympathy even sometimes look like a idiot.
Me? Oh yes, look like a xxxxx as my American friend says.
It is Okey. He dose not me well, or he has limited ability to know about me and suggest in his emotion. But I understand for the reason of him. My English skill is a not native level. That is all. And he can feel something without my words in English been helping our friend ship to grow.
That is a friend ship of both`s magnetism, I feel so.
Let back to the episode of islands of Asia.
Right, then, now I feel how interesting that is. How we are able to view the island or the body of your country as the spirit body and has a soul and feeling, also has the will just like all of us have. Man too, produce his child as it is his life creation and his mental child, I mean all of us do.
So, all of us has ability to birth good or bad or just it`s OK of something touches to others by our thought, by our mind, by our imagination and by our will as a magnetism.
Anyway a mental child can be born by man and woman.
That make me clear to see Japan and all nations as a magnetism of a male and a female spirits in a one nation as the one land included all natures, the Nature of Ocean spirit,a river spirit,a fall spirit, a drinking water spirit, a human spirit, a male and female mentality in a one human spirit and so on what all were born from The One.
Fortunately I hope you are even not Japanese or Asian but able to image of it and concern for how Japan`s new spiritual magnetism to look view and concern for our whole world such as West and East and North and South. Indeed, that could be the four points of the grate Cross on Earth.
We are able to have wide open eyes,a eye of mind and the eye of heart. We would be wiser to concern for the each nation by each nation on same Earth. The only one Earth, we were gifted and given so. No more the bomb attack, no more crash other life specially children`s and babies who have to be cared by divine goodness of a mankind and not any more hurt Earth, that is my " No more no want".
The protection Earth will of a all mankind should be on a whole world`peace treaty. That is my opinion.
Mother Sun and Mother Earth is watching for what a mankind do for each other,for each nations and for Earth and Sun. Now the new epoch push a mankind put side Moon out. Our emotional moo(n)dy mistaken in past better to be recovered like a healing emotional wound by a each of our forgiveness,given up to hate others and matters in a past, back to love Nature, back to hold own gratitude to Earth, Sun and to our family then own ancestors.
Father of Heaven and Father of Earth is listening what Mothers feel , Mothers Heart Beat, what His children feel,His children`s heart beat and how they breath.
That is why Earth is Ear-th. That is my right.
Sun can hear our feeling too. I am believing that, really I am, yes I am. That is my right too.
Our mind and feeling also as magnetism touch to Them, talk to them even say nothing. What we have in our mind is like a playing instrument and can be the music for them.
What kind of mind and feeling we have for every day?
A brain also works with mind and feeling and heart beat and works with a whole body`s micro universe system functional and as my images " A brain is best healer to recover a mental wound " so, do not take a pill which mess up the Kingdom of Recover system in a brain universe.
What can we do? Normally that is a next question, I guess. I just got a grate information to recover to feel weakness or aging. Simply you can hold a thankfulness to your Morning Sun which you can see from where you are, and you will be recovered by Morning Sun lights.
Do it for most of your days, if you believe what I`m saying.
Your choice is yours, not mine.
Not worry, we have a good heart and think good thing, then give the gratitude in our heart to family at least, helps us to recover other minor feeling. I believe it.
Father had listened all of us and can be like Daimajin such as Madness God or demolish God and comes for changing, for new creation but maybe He gives us only last chance, maybe no more mercy because of a mankind had too much warfare already,too much we had hurt Nature as forests, oceans, and so on as you can feel and as you know.
A nuclear war in our future? No way!
If that happen, a whole world be gone, there will be no more world, will be just the death it self on the ghost planet. There will be the sandy Earth.
Only countries and nations where have a thankful and peaceful mind people maybe survive,but not sure even in my Sai-Fi vision, but I am sure for that as a next.
A very large numbers people will get so much ill or die in a moment. Same thing can be happen if happens like a tragic disaster of Fukushima at Northeast in Japan on March 11, 2011, if happens in our areas or anywhere in U.S.A, many can die for that disaster in a moment because of DNA is not same as Japanese has.
Japanese got a nuclear bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Then already had effected by a nuclear fusion and absorbed them in bodies, means DNA transformed to be the new being. Not only by that reason, some other reasons I can think of. Many Ise-Hakusan Dou blog readers can do also.
I can not write down for all, so I will recommend his articles for sometimes when I can.
Also DNA of Japanese since an ancient is not same.
Many Japanese about maybe 60.000.00 know how Japan is oldest being, older than DNA of China, and how a origin of mankind before epoch of Mu and at Mu island then how survived after Mu island had sank into Ocean.
All possibly be bear out by the field of science as Ise-Hakusan Dou is saying. I also feel it, that is why I can write it as my expression. If I can not believe any of them, I do not write down. One more thing, if other nation invade Japan, invaders can not survive for a nuclear fusion in air in Japan even invader come from China, they might can not keep to live since now because be harder for living.
Japanese DNA which has a immunity to a nuclear influence was given by the unseen non name divine fate and a fortune included a lot. Hebrew Jewish has kind of same DAN.They will survive in Japan. Here I see the Japan and Jew be together at Kanan in Japan. Both people do farming rice together.That is also from the blog of Ise-Hakusan Dou. That is why I could see the view such a healthy and my heart take a so easy and comfortable to agree with his expression. That is blessing.
A light at East of the life tree.
As so, I believe my Si-Fi vision what come up in my brain, means that. Some my unknown ability works with me because of Ise-Hakusan Dou`s articles push my key to be awake. You remember this > 伊勢ー白山道. Ise-Hakusan Dou
So I welcome my natural vision currency like a air flow or like a ocean breeze or the thunder and lightning. I love them! Eventually before I met Ise-Hakusan Dou, they helped me a lot to get out from a hopeless moment I had when I did not know well to thank for my living and life and others.
Really I do thank a lot.
Let back to what I was writing about and let finish it.
If happen the nuclear fusion in anywhere in this world, we all be effected because of Air currency especially if there is no ocean between a nation and nation. I think so, just feel so with out searching and knowledge. Sorry for that. Just I thought about why Japan is surrounded the Ocean so, I felt some meaning of it. How my brain is so simple.
So we back to a life with no nuclear energy can be best subject to survive safely and peacefully.
That is my free view and many has that in Japan as I have.
I know so. How many people around you have its view?
I really hope Laos goes with Natural livings for the ever resting, no living with the nuclear energy...and be supported by U.S.A, by a wholesome American`s spirit and by good soul of governs.
Thank for letting all life still can live on Earth.
Let take look geography of Laos even Laos is NOT SMALL island of Asia, Laos had linked with Indonesia in an ancient. Let think about what Ise-Hakusan Dou told to Japanese as I wrote down at here as above. I as Japanese will do much I can do to introduce his articles in English by Sazareishi. Thanks.
More as follow his expression, I like to say : Japan, the spirit body, had broken up and opened up own body, had given birth islands of Asia,children, then transformed the body shape into the Japan island now we see on a map. For that reason, Japan always tried take care islands of Asia even in a second war which so many soldiers and so many detachment of comfort woman from Japan for soldiers were killed in a some islands and were forced to do Harakiri. I heard that soldiers gave mercy and helped comfort woman to die by soldier`s hand, means they helped each other to live and to die. Why Japan sent so many of comfort woman? My answer is so simple. Japanese soldiers do not need to attack and rape a local woman in a island.
I believe that, that is Japan`s main spirit to hold a heart of consideration and sympathy even sometimes look like a idiot.
Me? Oh yes, look like a xxxxx as my American friend says.
It is Okey. He dose not me well, or he has limited ability to know about me and suggest in his emotion. But I understand for the reason of him. My English skill is a not native level. That is all. And he can feel something without my words in English been helping our friend ship to grow.
That is a friend ship of both`s magnetism, I feel so.
Let back to the episode of islands of Asia.
Right, then, now I feel how interesting that is. How we are able to view the island or the body of your country as the spirit body and has a soul and feeling, also has the will just like all of us have. Man too, produce his child as it is his life creation and his mental child, I mean all of us do.
So, all of us has ability to birth good or bad or just it`s OK of something touches to others by our thought, by our mind, by our imagination and by our will as a magnetism.
Anyway a mental child can be born by man and woman.
That make me clear to see Japan and all nations as a magnetism of a male and a female spirits in a one nation as the one land included all natures, the Nature of Ocean spirit,a river spirit,a fall spirit, a drinking water spirit, a human spirit, a male and female mentality in a one human spirit and so on what all were born from The One.
Fortunately I hope you are even not Japanese or Asian but able to image of it and concern for how Japan`s new spiritual magnetism to look view and concern for our whole world such as West and East and North and South. Indeed, that could be the four points of the grate Cross on Earth.
We are able to have wide open eyes,a eye of mind and the eye of heart. We would be wiser to concern for the each nation by each nation on same Earth. The only one Earth, we were gifted and given so. No more the bomb attack, no more crash other life specially children`s and babies who have to be cared by divine goodness of a mankind and not any more hurt Earth, that is my " No more no want".
The protection Earth will of a all mankind should be on a whole world`peace treaty. That is my opinion.
Mother Sun and Mother Earth is watching for what a mankind do for each other,for each nations and for Earth and Sun. Now the new epoch push a mankind put side Moon out. Our emotional moo(n)dy mistaken in past better to be recovered like a healing emotional wound by a each of our forgiveness,given up to hate others and matters in a past, back to love Nature, back to hold own gratitude to Earth, Sun and to our family then own ancestors.
Father of Heaven and Father of Earth is listening what Mothers feel , Mothers Heart Beat, what His children feel,His children`s heart beat and how they breath.
That is why Earth is Ear-th. That is my right.
Sun can hear our feeling too. I am believing that, really I am, yes I am. That is my right too.
Our mind and feeling also as magnetism touch to Them, talk to them even say nothing. What we have in our mind is like a playing instrument and can be the music for them.
What kind of mind and feeling we have for every day?
A brain also works with mind and feeling and heart beat and works with a whole body`s micro universe system functional and as my images " A brain is best healer to recover a mental wound " so, do not take a pill which mess up the Kingdom of Recover system in a brain universe.
What can we do? Normally that is a next question, I guess. I just got a grate information to recover to feel weakness or aging. Simply you can hold a thankfulness to your Morning Sun which you can see from where you are, and you will be recovered by Morning Sun lights.
Do it for most of your days, if you believe what I`m saying.
Your choice is yours, not mine.
Not worry, we have a good heart and think good thing, then give the gratitude in our heart to family at least, helps us to recover other minor feeling. I believe it.
Father had listened all of us and can be like Daimajin such as Madness God or demolish God and comes for changing, for new creation but maybe He gives us only last chance, maybe no more mercy because of a mankind had too much warfare already,too much we had hurt Nature as forests, oceans, and so on as you can feel and as you know.
A nuclear war in our future? No way!
If that happen, a whole world be gone, there will be no more world, will be just the death it self on the ghost planet. There will be the sandy Earth.
Only countries and nations where have a thankful and peaceful mind people maybe survive,but not sure even in my Sai-Fi vision, but I am sure for that as a next.
A very large numbers people will get so much ill or die in a moment. Same thing can be happen if happens like a tragic disaster of Fukushima at Northeast in Japan on March 11, 2011, if happens in our areas or anywhere in U.S.A, many can die for that disaster in a moment because of DNA is not same as Japanese has.
Japanese got a nuclear bomb at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Then already had effected by a nuclear fusion and absorbed them in bodies, means DNA transformed to be the new being. Not only by that reason, some other reasons I can think of. Many Ise-Hakusan Dou blog readers can do also.
I can not write down for all, so I will recommend his articles for sometimes when I can.
Also DNA of Japanese since an ancient is not same.
Many Japanese about maybe 60.000.00 know how Japan is oldest being, older than DNA of China, and how a origin of mankind before epoch of Mu and at Mu island then how survived after Mu island had sank into Ocean.
All possibly be bear out by the field of science as Ise-Hakusan Dou is saying. I also feel it, that is why I can write it as my expression. If I can not believe any of them, I do not write down. One more thing, if other nation invade Japan, invaders can not survive for a nuclear fusion in air in Japan even invader come from China, they might can not keep to live since now because be harder for living.
Japanese DNA which has a immunity to a nuclear influence was given by the unseen non name divine fate and a fortune included a lot. Hebrew Jewish has kind of same DAN.They will survive in Japan. Here I see the Japan and Jew be together at Kanan in Japan. Both people do farming rice together.That is also from the blog of Ise-Hakusan Dou. That is why I could see the view such a healthy and my heart take a so easy and comfortable to agree with his expression. That is blessing.
A light at East of the life tree.
As so, I believe my Si-Fi vision what come up in my brain, means that. Some my unknown ability works with me because of Ise-Hakusan Dou`s articles push my key to be awake. You remember this > 伊勢ー白山道. Ise-Hakusan Dou
So I welcome my natural vision currency like a air flow or like a ocean breeze or the thunder and lightning. I love them! Eventually before I met Ise-Hakusan Dou, they helped me a lot to get out from a hopeless moment I had when I did not know well to thank for my living and life and others.
Really I do thank a lot.
If happen the nuclear fusion in anywhere in this world, we all be effected because of Air currency especially if there is no ocean between a nation and nation. I think so, just feel so with out searching and knowledge. Sorry for that. Just I thought about why Japan is surrounded the Ocean so, I felt some meaning of it. How my brain is so simple.
So we back to a life with no nuclear energy can be best subject to survive safely and peacefully.
That is my free view and many has that in Japan as I have.
I know so. How many people around you have its view?
I really hope Laos goes with Natural livings for the ever resting, no living with the nuclear energy...and be supported by U.S.A, by a wholesome American`s spirit and by good soul of governs.
Thank for letting all life still can live on Earth.
Let take look geography of Laos even Laos is NOT SMALL island of Asia, Laos had linked with Indonesia in an ancient. Let think about what Ise-Hakusan Dou told to Japanese as I wrote down at here as above. I as Japanese will do much I can do to introduce his articles in English by Sazareishi. Thanks.
Geography of Laos
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laos is a landlocked nation in Southeast Asia, northeast ofThailand, west of Vietnam, that covers 236,800 square kilometers in the center of the Southeast Asian peninsula, is surrounded by Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, thePeople's Republic of China, Thailand, and Vietnam. Its location has often made it a buffer between more powerful neighboring states, as well as a crossroads for trade and communication. Migration and international conflict have contributed to the present ethnic composition of the country and to the geographic distribution of its ethnic groups.
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Most of the western border of Laos is demarcated by the Mekong River, which is an important artery for transportation. The Dong falls at the southern end of the country prevent access to the sea, but cargo boats travel along the entire length of the Mekong in Laos during most of the year. Smaller power boats and pirogues provide an important means of transportation on many of the tributaries of the Mekong.
The Mekong has thus not been an obstacle but a facilitator for communication, and the similarities between Laos and northeast Thai society—same people, same language—reflect the close contact that has existed across the river for centuries. Also, many Laotians living in the Mekong Valley have relatives and friends in Thailand. Prior to the twentieth century, Laotian kingdoms and principalities encompassed areas on both sides of the Mekong, and Thai control in the late nineteenth century extended to the left bank. Although the Mekong was established as a border by French colonial forces, travel from one side to the other has been significantly limited only since the establishment of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (LPDR, or Laos) in 1975.
The eastern border with Vietnam extends for 2,130 kilometers, mostly along the crest of the Annamite Chain, and serves as a physical barrier between the Chinese-influenced culture of Vietnam and the Indianized states of Laos and Thailand. These mountains are sparsely populated by tribal minorities who traditionally have not acknowledged the border with Vietnam any more than lowland Lao have been constrained by the 1,754-kilometer Mekong River border with Thailand. Thus, ethnic minority populations are found on both the Laotian and Vietnamese sides of the frontier. Because of their relative isolation, contact between these groups and lowland Lao has been mostly confined to trading.
Laos shares its short—only 541 kilometers—southern border with Cambodia, and ancient Khmer ruins at Wat Pho and other southern locations attest to the long history of contact between the Lao and the Khmer. In the north, the country is bounded by a mountainous 423-kilometer border with China and shares the 235-kilometer-long Mekong River border with Burma.
The topography of Laos is largely mountainous, with the Annamite Rangein the northeast and east and the Luang Prabang Range in the northwest, among other ranges typically characterized by steep terrain. Elevations are typically above 500 meters with narrow river valleys and low agricultural potential. This mountainous landscape extends across most of the north of the country, except for the plain of Vientiane and the Plain of Jars in the Xiangkhoang Plateau. The southern "panhandle" of the country contains large level areas in Savannakhét and Champasak provinces that are well suited for extensive paddy rice cultivation and livestock raising. Much of Khammouan Province and the eastern part of all the southern provinces are mountainous. Together, the alluvial plains and terraces of the Mekong and its tributaries cover only about 20% of the land area.
Only about 4% of the total land area is classified as arable. The forested land area has declined significantly since the 1970s as a result of commercial logging and expanded swidden, or slash-and-burn, farming.
[edit]List of mountains in Laos
- Phou Bia, 2,819 m
- Phu Xai Lai Leng, 2,720 m
- Rao Co, 2,286 m
- Phu Soi Dao, 2,120 m
- Phou Khe, 2,079 m
- Shiceng Dashan, 1,830 m
- Dong Ap Bia, 937 m
Laos has a tropical monsoon climate, with a pronounced rainy season from May through October, a cool dry season from November through February, and a hot dry season in March and April. Generally, monsoons occur at the same time across the country, although that time may vary significantly from one year to the next. Rainfall also varies regionally, with the highest amounts-- 3,700 millimeters (145.7 in) annually—recorded on the Bolovens Plateau in Champasak Province. City rainfall stations have recorded that Savannakhét averages 1,440 millimeters (56.7 in) of rain annually; Vientiane receives about 1,700 millimeters (66.9 in), and Louangphrabang (Luang Prabang) receives about 1,360 millimeters (53.5 in). Rainfall is not always adequate for rice cultivation, however, and the relatively high average precipitation conceals years where rainfall may be only half or less of the norm, causing significant declines in rice yields. Such droughts often are regional, leaving production in other parts of the country unaffected. Temperatures range from highs around 40 °C(104 °F) along the Mekong in March and April to lows of 5 °C (41 °F) or less in the uplands of Xiangkhoang and Phôngsali in January.
[edit]Transportation routes
Because of its mountainous topography and lack of development, Laos has few reliable transportation routes. This inaccessibility has historically limited the ability of any government to maintain a presence in areas distant from the national or provincial capitals and has limited interchange and communication among villages and ethnic groups. TheMekong and Nam Ou are the only natural channels suitable for large-draft boat transportation, and from December through May low water limits the size of the draft that may be used over many routes. Laotians in lowland villages located on the banks of smaller rivers have traditionally traveled in pirogues for fishing, trading, and visiting up and down the river for limited distances. Otherwise, travel is by ox-cart over level terrain or by foot. The steep mountains and lack of roads have caused upland ethnic groups to rely entirely on pack baskets and horse packing for transportation.
[edit]Natural resources
The road system is not extensive. However, a rudimentary network begun under French colonial rule and continued from the 1950s has provided an important means of increased intervillage communication, movement of market goods, and a focus for new settlements. In mid-1994, travel in most areas was difficult and expensive, and most Laotians traveled only limited distances, if at all. As a result of ongoing improvements in the road system during the early 1990s, however, it is expected that in the future villagers will more easily be able to seek medical care, send children to schools at district centers, and work outside the village.
Expanding commercial exploitation of forests, plans for additional hydroelectric facilities, foreign demands for wild animals and nonwood forest products for food and traditional medicines, and a growing population have brought new and increasing attention to the forests. Traditionally, forests have been important sources of wild foods, herbal medicines, and timber for house construction. Even into the 1990s, the government viewed the forest as a valued reserve of natural products for noncommercial household consumption. Government efforts to preserve valuable hardwoods for commercial extraction have led to measures to prohibit swidden cultivation throughout the country. Further, government restrictions on clearing forestland for swidden cropping in the late 1980s, along with attempts to gradually resettle upland swidden farming villages (ban) to lowland locations suitable for paddy rice cultivation, had significant effects on upland villages. Traditionally, villages rely on forest products as a food reserve during years of poor rice harvest and as a regular source of fruits and vegetables. By the 1990s, however, these gathering systems were breaking down in many areas. At the same time, international concern about environmental degradation and the loss of many wildlife species unique to Laos has also prompted the government to consider the implications of these developments.
Land use:
arable land: 3%permanent crops: 0%permanent pastures: 3%forests and woodland: 54%other: 40% (1993 est.)
arable land: 3%permanent crops: 0%permanent pastures: 3%forests and woodland: 54%other: 40% (1993 est.)
Irrigated land: 1,250 km² (1993 est.)note: rainy season irrigation - 2,169 km²; dry season irrigation - 750 km² (1998 est.)
[edit]Area and boundaries
total: 236,800 km²land: 230,800 km²water: 6,000 km²
total: 236,800 km²land: 230,800 km²water: 6,000 km²
Land boundaries:
total: 5,083 kmborder countries: Burma 235 km, Cambodia 541 km, the People's Republic of China 423 km, Thailand 1,754 km, Vietnam 2,130 km
total: 5,083 kmborder countries: Burma 235 km, Cambodia 541 km, the People's Republic of China 423 km, Thailand 1,754 km, Vietnam 2,130 km
Maritime claims: none (landlocked)
[edit]Environmental concerns
Air pollution agricultural burning ("slash and burn"), garbage burning
Environment - current issues: unexploded ordnance; deforestation; soil erosion; a majority of the population does not have access to potable water
Environment - international agreements:
party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Environmental Modification, Law of the Sea, Nuclear Test Ban, Ozone Layer Protection
signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements
party to: Biodiversity, Climate Change, Desertification, Environmental Modification, Law of the Sea, Nuclear Test Ban, Ozone Layer Protection
signed, but not ratified: none of the selected agreements
[edit]See also
This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the Library of Congress Country Studies.
This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the CIA World Factbook.
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