Tuesday, February 5, 2013

AROHA By Ara as Beautiful Being

Hawaiiki-o-tuawhakarere (Hawaiiki-Tautau) - New Zealand, was the largest continent in the world, covering the whole of the Pacific basin including Australia, over 12,000 years ago,? before the breakdown of gas chambers caused immense flooding, covering most of this ancient land. 
One part of the ancient continent that is still above water was named by the European - New Zealand. 
However the ancient name that is known by the Maori, the Indigenous People (the N.Z. Maori are descended from the ancient people, and those ancestors who sailed across the ‘homeland’ over a thousand years ago) is Hawaiiki Tautau.

TauTau means "pulse". The energies that pulsate from this sacred land continue to help heal right across all universes, all galaxies.

We tune in with all parts of the Mother and her children. 
Our connecting energy is "AROHA", which means: ARO=presence and HA=breath...of the Godhead, unconditional love. 

AROHA, is the greatest and the most powerful of all energies.

 It is the source of life. It is the essence of the heart. It is you it is me it is the lifeline of everything that exists. 
It is the greatest ‘healer’ of all that needs healing. 

During the last century the world community knew the Maori people as New Zealanders. 
Today our people are known as the Maori people of New Zealand, a name given by European Settlers. 
One of the ordinary meanings of ‘Maori’ is ‘natural, common’, a name that the European decided appropriate for the Maori, because they wanted to identify as ‘the only New Zealanders’. 
Little did they realize that the sacred meaning of Maori is ‘the Divine presence of the Mother, Child, and Father. 
The following vibrations can perhaps help clarify:

         Left side           Center         Right Side

               A                      I                    O
  Divine Mother    Divine Child    Divine Father

The vibration of the Divine Mother is ‘A’ pronounced ‘ah’. The vibration of the Divine Child is ‘I’, pronounced ‘ee’, and the vibration of the Divine Father is ‘O’ pronounced ‘or’.

A well-known Maori greeting is ‘Kia Ora’
The sacred meaning of the word, however, is ‘k’ (subtle vibration for healing), ‘i’ (vibration of the child), ‘a’ (vibration of the mother), ‘o’ (vibration of the father),

(Behold a God/dess! Behold a Human! Who has the same blueprint, the same breath, and is in the image of the Godhead itself). 

This important statement, when chanted is so energizing.

Tags: generalinspiritual

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