Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Message from Galactic Federation by Aheldan Nidel in English and Japanese

ーーVoice - - Wave - - RUN - - なので、今日からーーわにランです


おもろいやんかーー; ブログなら欄だけど音。楽しい情報にラン難波走りしますで〜

The Message in English is after ハートの贈りものから転載/As Below as Copy from Narudekon `s Japanese Blog 


2014-02-27 23:01:15 | 銀河連邦シェルダン・ナイドルのメッセージ
3 Manik, 15 Zac, 9 Eb

セラマト・バリク! 今日はいくつか、とても興味深いニュースを持って来ました! 闇の勢力は避けられない運命を何とか先延ばしする方法を見つけようと必死で、眼中にあるのはそれだけです。天界は、最終的な天体のサインが出現するのを待っており、その現象が起きれば、我々は直ちに行動して闇の手下どもをこれ以上害を及ぼせない場所へ速やかに片付けてしまいます。それまでには、もう短い時間しか残されていません。そのため、すぐに起きる予定のことはすべて確実に最大のスピードで進むように、我々は多様な同盟者たちにダブル・チェックをしています。連絡役の要員が携行しているチェックリストはとても短いもので、すべてのグループが準備を完全に終えていることを確認しています。実際のところ、ほとんどの者はその日がむしろ早まることを願っています。このフラストレーションにも拘わらず、主要国政府内の多様なグループは大変な忍耐力を示しています。彼らにとっては、これまで非常に長い待ち時間でした。闇の勢力は、最後の悪あがきで世界的に悪行をエスカレートさせていますが、我々が日々それを見つけては、奴らのもくろんだ損害を打ち消すべく働いています。


皆さんがスピリチュアル面で大人になるために卒業せねばならない極めて重要な要素は、アヌンナキとよく仕込まれた手下どもが一千年にもわたり皆さんをいかに欺いてきたか、それをはっきりと理解することです。奴らは、当時はまだ皆さんにとって目新しい状態だった死ぬべき定めというものを利用して、皆さんを窒息せんばかりに恐怖でがんじがらめにし、支配下に置いて服従させてきました。皆さんを言いなりにしたことで、奴らは基本的にやりたい放題にできるようになり、好きなように世界をねじ曲げてきました。この闇の契約は今、終わりを迎え、その場所に、13000年で初めて皆さんに大きな喜びをもたらす世界を築くことが可能になりました。しかし忘れてならないのは、その世界も一時的なもので、その間に皆さんはこの先何が待っているか、完全意識にどのように適応するかについて、十分な説明を受けるのだということです。それは、とてつもなく大きいステップなのです! 暫定的な世界が形成されると同時に、多くの責任をも皆さんは引き受けることになります。啓発された生き方へと急速に導かれるため、それらについても準備せねばなりません。自分という存在の本質を体験し、何処を目指しているのか、より明確に理解できるようになるのです。制限された意識が引き起こした無意識の紆余曲折は、きわめて喜ばしい結末を迎えるのです!


祝福を! 良い知らせを持ってきました! 天において、大いなるイベントが近づいています。この現象は非常に特別で、その訪れは、この極めて神聖なるオーブの上の全員に新しい日の始まりを告げるものです。イベントがその経過を辿った時に、皆さんは闇の勢力の息苦しい毒気から解放されるでしょう。新しい統治体制、繁栄、何より重要なことに、自由が得られます。新しい統治体制が、世界を変える一連の発表を行います。我々が人類に対して新しい奉仕を始められるようになるのが、その時です。その日に生まれる新しい現実が変容を加速して、生活に神聖さが再び導入され、皆さんは奇跡と驚異の時を目の当たりにするでしょう。それは、天使が再来し、創造主の声が再び全土にあまねく聞かれる時となります。そして、その時こそ、皆さんはついに長い記憶喪失から回復し、自分が本当は誰で、どのような存在かを思い出すのです。

我々の新しい奉仕の一つの側面は、皆さんに物質界の神聖なる本質を教え、完全意識から制限意識へと移された時に忘れたすべての特別な知識を思い出させることです。本来の状態への恵み深き復帰は天界全域のお祝い事となり、はるか昔に聖大天使ミカエルに為された予言を成就させます。その予言は、闇の時代がこの世界に降りかかり、約13000年後に天の偉大な働きにより、その霊的な監獄から皆さんは解放されると明言しています。今こそ、その時なのです! 解放と歓喜の時です! 闇の勢力とその手下どもは一掃され、地球上に新しい夜明けがやって来ます。喜びなさい、兄弟姉妹よ! まもなく解放を告げる偉大な角笛が鳴り響きます; 天の光が輝きわたり、真に驚くべき時が始まります!

皆さんの解放は、全員への新しい奉仕が始まることを示しています。我々には教えることが、皆さんには学ぶことが、沢山あります。長らく留め置かれていた記憶喪失から脱することは、多くの人にとって若干の悩みを意味するかもしれません。自分が信じてきたもの、それらの信念をかざして自分が行った行為を完全に理解することは、苦悶を引き起こす可能性があります。そのために、我々アセンデッド・マスターが許しと恩寵の大波を引き起こして、地球上のすべての陸地を、そして傷ついたすべてのハートを隅々まで洗い流します。この癒しの光を自分の中に引き入れ、闇の勢力に押しつけられた恐怖と調和させて下さい。その後、それを、あなたのハートのハートから愛と共に手放すのです。歓喜とワンネスの新しい光が全身を包むのに任せて下さい。その奇跡の中において、完全意識の驚異へと復帰する旅の最後のステップを踏み出す神聖なる道が開けるからです。ハレルヤ! ハレルヤ!

今日も引き続き、毎週のメッセージをお届けしました。偉大なる奇跡がついに実現する特別な地点に到達しています。大規模ファースト・コンタクトの準備をするようにという指示を我々が受けて始まった、この長い旅路の決定的な段階にやって来ました。実際に前へ進み出て、神聖なる目的地に向かって一緒に歩むという喜びが今、訪れています! どうぞ、わかって下さい、親愛なる者たちよ、尽きることの無い豊かさと決して終わらない天の繁栄が、あなた方のものなのです。So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 

3 Manik, 15 Zac, 9 Eb

Selamat Balik! We come today with some very interesting news! The dark continues in tunnel-vision mode to try desperately to come up with some way to delay what they know is inevitable. Heaven is waiting for the last celestial sign to appear, and once this phenomenon has occurred, we will be expected to act swiftly and sweep the dark's minions into a place where they can do no more harm. This leaves us with a narrow timeframe before this happens, and so we are double-checking with our diverse allies to make sure that what is shortly to occur is all ready to go as quickly as possible. Our liaison personnel are carrying out a very short checklist and are confirming that all groups are fully prepared. In fact, most of them wish that this date were to arrive sooner than later, but despite this frustration the various groups within your major governments are showing great patience with what to them has been a very lengthy wait. Our ships are daily picking up on the dark's increasingly desperate global mischief making, and so we are busy doing remedial work to counter the damage that these misdeeds are designed to effect.

   Meanwhile, our Agarthan family is also busy with the daily adjustments needed to update your numerous Light chambers. Our goal is to be ready at a moment's notice to transfer you to your Light-chamber residences in Agartha as soon as Heaven gives us the green light. Until that moment, several preparatory activities are to be carried out by your new governance. These include a startling series of announcements, followed by the instituting of policies that will shake up thoroughly the way your world is run. Most importantly, you will receive a formal proclamation of disclosure which will allow us to begin a series of messages preparing you for our first-contact landings. These are the last few quiet moments on your world before the exciting times begin, because the process of transforming your world, which includes ending a decades-long 'UFO' cover-up, will truly rattle your present reality. Presently, Heaven is setting up the last leg of your journey to full consciousness which will require the services of a personal mentor for each one of you. This is someone you can fully trust to educate you in the myriad truths that run counter to what you have been told since early childhood.
   A vital part of your graduation into spiritual adulthood is to understand clearly how the Anunnaki and their well-trained minions deceived you for millennia. They used your then-new state of mortality to create a suffocating web of fear to keep you controlled and pliable. This pliability allowed them to basically run rampant over you and twist your world in any way they pleased. This dark construct is now to end, and in its place you will be able for the first time in 13 millennia to create a world that greatly pleases you. But remember that it is to be only a transitional realm, during which time you will be fully informed about what to expect and how to adapt to full consciousness. It is a huge step! As this interim realm takes shape, you will also take on many responsibilities. These you will also need to be prepared for, as they will rapidly move you into an enlightened way of living which will allow you to experience the true nature of your being and to get a clearer understanding of where you are headed. The mindless meanderings of limited consciousness are to come to a most pleasing conclusion!
   This rise into a more uplifted way of life is what the next short period is all about. Also, this improved milieu will be more conducive to absorbing what we have to teach you. Your Ascended Masters are to begin a series of teachings elucidating the very nature of the Soul and how it blossoms when exposed to Light. Our contribution will be to explain to you about full consciousness as you need to be very clear about what lies ahead for you. Becoming a fully conscious Being is a delight that is beyond anything you can imagine at present. Together, the Ascended Masters and we will prepare you for this new life; the Light chambers are just the finishing touch. You are a spiritually oriented being, and we need to integrate your physical with your emotional and mental parts, and that is what these chambers do. Each of you requires unique adjustments of a very complex nature. This task will be a joint effort, and then you are to come under the guidance of your Ascended Masters who have been appointed by Heaven to lead you in your first series of missions to bring a permanent peace to this galaxy.
   Blessings! We return with Good News! The great event in the Heavens approaches. This phenomenon is very special and its arrival constitutes the start of a new day for all on this most divine orb. When this event has run its course, you are to be free of the stifling miasmas of the dark. You will have new governance, prosperity, and most importantly, your freedom. Your new governance will make a series of announcements that are to change your world, and it is then that we can begin our new service to humanity. The new reality birthed on that day will accelerate a transformation that is to reintroduce sacredness to your lives, permitting you to witness a time of miracles and wonder. It is when Angels will reappear and the voice of Creation will be heard again throughout the land. And it is when you, at long last, emerge from your long amnesia and remember who and what you truly are.
   One aspect of our new service is to teach you about the divine nature of physicality and allow you to remember all the special knowledge that you forgot when you were moved from full to limited consciousness. Your gracious return to your natural state will be celebrated throughout Heaven and will fulfill a prophecy made eons ago by blessed Archangel Michael. This stated that a time of darkness was to befall this realm, from which spiritual prison you would be freed some 13,000 years later by the great works of Heaven. This time is now! It is the moment for liberation and joy! The dark and its minions are to be swept away and a new day is to dawn upon Earth. Rejoice, my Sisters and Brothers! Shortly, the great horn of deliverance shall sound; Heaven's Light shall shine forth, and time for true wonder shall begin!
   Your deliverance marks the beginning of new service for all. We have much to teach you and you have much to learn. Breaking out of this long sojourn through amnesia may mean some amount of distress for many of you, as full realization of what you have believed, and what you have done in the name of these beliefs, is likely to cause some anguish. Consequently, we the Ascended Masters are to take up a great wave of forgiveness and grace, and sweep it across all the lands of Earth and into the corners of all hearts that suffer. Draw this healing Light into you and allow it to reconcile the horrors foisted on you by the dark. Then from your heart's heart let it go with Love. Allow a new Light of joy and oneness to envelop you all, as in this miracle comes the sacred way to tread the final steps of your journey back to the wonder that is full consciousness. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
   Today we continued our weekly messages to you. We have reached a special point where great miracles can finally take place. We come to a pivotal stage of this long journey that began for us then we were instructed to prepare for a mass first contact. Now comes the joy of actually coming forth and walking together to your sacred destinations! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! 

Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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