Thursday, May 9, 2013

In English too - - シリアの情勢は見逃せない緊張高まるシリア!イベント決行間近か?WW3を防ぐために、私たちができることは、、

2014-05-09 18:24:03 | 政治・経済ニュースから
プレアデス、アガルタ、地球人混成の地下抵抗勢力、レジスタンス・ムーブメントのCobra から、緊急情報が出ました。(Cobra からの情報の翻訳は、こちらをご覧下さい。)







彼らは、「人々に準備させるために、Drake とBen Fulford には、間接的にその情報を流した」そうで、そう言えば、今週のベンジャミン情報・英語版には、確かに意味深なコメントが。。




Cobra は、「まだ、イベントの引き金を引く惑星的な条件は完全には整っていないが、、、」と述べており、ネガティブな勢力を、地球表面社会から完全に排除しきれていません。その状態にも関わらず、25日までにイベント決行となる確率は今、6%だそうです。

そのため、Cobra は、






Ben Fulford: Netanyahu summoned to China, cabal purge begins in UK, May 6, 2013(ベンジャミン・フルフォード週報・英語版 5/6)

This of course, is a preliminary to investigations that will finally bring justice to the perpetrators of the 911 terror and mind-control attack against the US. The wheels of justice will roll towards George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Frank Carlucci, Michael Chertoff and the entire fascist cabal that seized control of the US following the rigged year 2000 election, according to patriotic CIA and Pentagon sources.

The question remains just how far down the rabbit hole the whole crackdown on the perpetrators of 911, 311 and related events will go.
 The problem is concentrated at the top and it is very difficult for military and law enforcement types used to following orders from above to take action against their “superiors.”(問題は、トップ層に集中しているが、上からの命令に従ってきた普通の軍人や法の執行者にとっては、上司に逆らうことは非常に難しいのだ。)

When you have a supreme court that has been threatened and intimidated into submission, a Congress and Senate that have been mostly bribed and a President who is a puppet, then going through them is not a realistic option in dealing with the criminal fascist takeover of the US.

My understanding is that the joint chiefs of staff of the Pentagon are the best hope for restoring the US Republic and freeing the American people. What they need to understand is that it is not going to be any court case that will settle the problem.
If the American people are to be freed, the military need to temporarily take over the key centers of power. They need to send troops to occupy the following places: the Federal Reserve Board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations.(米国人が解放されるためには、軍が一時的に権力の中枢を乗っ取る必要がある。部隊を、連銀、上院下院、ホワイトハウス、最高裁、司法省、DHS、FBI、CIA、NSA、主要な報道機関、CFR へ送って、占拠せねばならない。)

Once this is done, it will be a fairly simple job to figure out who has been part of the fascist cabal: follow the money. Anybody who is living way beyond their salary and cannot explain the source of money should be suspended pending further investigation.

There is also a need to remove all US/Israeli dual citizens from any government offices. Dual loyalty and service to your government are not compatible.

The Pentagon types rightly point out the lesson of history that the military are not good at running governments as the reason they have not taken action yet. That is true but, the military are very good at restoring order and then returning to their barracks.
The military take pride in the fact they have never interfered in government since the founding of the United States. However, they need to realize that never before in the history of the United States has the country been surreptitiously taken over by a foreign power.(軍は、建国以来、政府に介入したことが無い事実を誇りにしているが、これまでは、外来の勢力に不正に乗っ取られたことは無かったことを理解する必要がある。)

This of course brings us back to Israel. Israel was founded by Jews who murdered other Jews in order to force them out of their European homeland as part of a criminally insane project to carry out ancient biblical prophecies. It sounds too far-fetched for us normal people to fathom, but history makes it clear this is exactly what has been going on. That is why there has been no solution to the Palestinian issue despite over 5 decades of “peace negotiations.” Peace would prevent their planned Armageddon.

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